



        大連力久機械設備有限公司是一家專(zhuān)業(yè)的物流設備服務(wù)供應商,擁有雄厚的技術(shù)力量和完善的服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )。我們的服務(wù)團隊由 30 多名從業(yè)10年以上資深技術(shù)工程師和 20 輛售后服務(wù)車(chē)組成,服務(wù)點(diǎn)遍布 34 個(gè)網(wǎng)格化區域,24 小時(shí)全天候待命,打造【 1 小時(shí)服務(wù)工作圈】。

       公司主營(yíng)龍工叉車(chē)、倉儲車(chē)、清潔設備等,并提供一站式倉儲設備智能方案。業(yè)務(wù)范圍包括:①產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)售與服務(wù)、②維修與保養、③租賃與置換等。秉承“客戶(hù)至上”的原則,致力于打造中國一流機械設備服務(wù)平臺,為社會(huì )發(fā)展做貢獻。



       力久將繼續以解決用戶(hù)需求為核心,用心真誠服務(wù),成為您企業(yè)經(jīng)營(yíng)的助手和忠誠的經(jīng)營(yíng)伙伴,為幫助您企業(yè)更省錢(qián)、更高效而努力奮斗、共創(chuàng )輝煌!


Dalian Liju Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional logistics equipment service supplier with strong technical strength and a complete service network. Our service team consists of over 30 senior technical engineers with over 10 years of experience and 20 after-sales service vehicles. Our service points are located in 34 grid areas, and we are available 24/7 to create a 1-hour service work circle.

The company specializes in Longgong forklifts, storage trucks, cleaning equipment, and provides one-stop intelligent storage equipment solutions. The business scope includes: ① product sales and services, ② repair and maintenance, ③ leasing and replacement, etc. Adhering to the principle of "customer first", we are committed to building a first-class mechanical equipment service platform in China and contributing to social development.

In order to ensure standardized and high-quality services, Liju has strict service process regulations and a high-quality after-sales team. By continuously improving team quality and introducing new technologies, we provide users with professional forklift maintenance knowledge and safety assurance.

Li Jiu's sales team closely follows market trends and meets diverse customer needs. At the same time, we have also established a comprehensive user product archive, cherishing the trust of every customer.

Li Jiu will continue to focus on solving user needs, provide sincere and sincere services, and become your assistant and loyal business partner in business management. We will strive to help your enterprise save money and be more efficient, and create brilliance together!

唐山市| 林西县| 嘉鱼县| 平顺县| 安吉县| 万源市| 万荣县| 望都县| 科尔| 杂多县| 光山县| 崇左市| 大洼县| 山丹县| 土默特左旗| 手游| 吉林省| 周口市| 平湖市| 时尚| 阿坝| 德阳市| 二连浩特市| 阳新县| 常熟市| 会宁县| 昌乐县| 汝州市| 葵青区| 桃园县| 昌江| 黎平县| 陇川县| 内乡县| 民勤县| 区。| 建始县| 涞水县| 大丰市| 临泉县| 南阳市|